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Empowering Learners as Global Thinkers and Producers

Best High School 2024

Promotion Standards

Based on the requirements as stipulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Eastern Lancaster County School District, a minimum of 28 credits will be required for graduation. The minimum course requirements are as follows:

  • English - 4 credits
  • Mathematics - 4 credits
  • Science - 4 credits
  • Social Studies - 3 credits / Social Studies - 4 credits (Class of 2017 and beyond)
  • Health Education - 0.5 credit
  • Physical Education - 2.0 credits
  • Electives

Early Graduation

Students on track to complete the required 28 credits (including satisfying all Physical Education requirements) by the end of their seventh semester may elect to apply for early graduation. Students interested in early graduation must return completed applications to their guidance counselor no later than the last Friday in September for 1st semester (mid-year/Grade12) graduation. Early graduation is not recommended for students planning to continue their education.

Graduation Ceremonies

One graduation ceremony will be held each year at the conclusion of the second semester. There will be no commencement exercises at the mid-year. Students graduating at mid-year may choose to participate in the end-of-the-year ceremonies or may elect to receive their diploma from school authorities and at the end of the 1st semester.

For complete information about course offerings and requirements please refer to the current Program of Studies of Garden Spot High School.

A graduation project is required of all students in order to graduate. Students must complete 30 hours of community service and journal about their volunteering experience in Naviance. Students must also share a 3-5 minute presentation about their experience. Additional information concerning the details of the Graduation Project is available through your counselors.