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Empowering Learners as Global Thinkers and Producers

Best High School 2024

Student Parking Permits


Parking Permit Information

Parking spaces are limited. As such, parking passes are required for all student drivers and must be displayed while their vehicles are parked on campus. Parking passes are sold for $30.00 per school year and will be made available for purchase from 7:30AM-3:00PM during the following dates:

Class of 2025: Starting Monday, August 12th 

Class of 2026: Starting Wednesday,  August 14th 

**The office will be closed on August 16th**


Note: Students with late arrival schedules will need to park in the front parking lot

No parking passes will be available for ninth and tenth grade drivers.


Please make sure to complete the extracurricular/co-curricular participation and student driving contract. This needs to be signed by a parent or guardian.